Monday, January 15, 2024

Mrs. Strand- Get two dogs. It will be fun they said.

I have been a dog person all of my life. As a single adult, it was all about the pugs. Aggie was my girl who lived for two way-too-short years. Winston came into my life when I had been without a dog for a couple of years after losing Aggie. Winston was with me for over 16 years. He traveled with me, he made living alone less alone, and he was right by my side through major life changes like moving across the country and transitioning to marriage and being a step-parent.  He was my constant. Losing him was really, really hard.

Although saying goodbye to Winston was hard, there are aspects of not having a dog that are attractive. Planning a vacation is easier when you don’t have to find dog care. You have a lot more disposable money in your pocket (pets are expensive according to my financial planner), and you don’t have to worry about having a lint roller in multiple places in your life. You can walk out of the house without the worry of being covered in dog hair, or checking your watch to math out when you need to be home. The house is cleaner and you can leave things like reading glasses and popcorn bowls on coffee tables when you leave a room…worry free!

However, not having a dog makes life a bit too quiet. A bit too clean. Dogs are there to greet you when you come home every single day with the enthusiasm like you’re returning from war, even if you just run to the store for a few things. Dogs force you to get outside and walk, play, and smile. Dogs can even help you meet people. I know a lot of my neighbors because they know my dogs. Research suggests that merely petting a dog can relieve stress. 

After three years of sharing our lives without a dog, it was time. 

Louie is a rescue that came into our lives during the COVID-summer when everyone was getting a dog. He’s a dachshund mix of fun and love. He was a naughty puppy (mostly chewing). We said farewell to several pairs of glasses, hats, flipflops, and pencils during his chewing stage. He has a borderline obsession with paper garbage and his stash is kept under our bed. We call it his clubhouse. This is where Louie goes when he’s collected something new or has done something he knows is on the list of things that Louie shouldn’t do. However, our Louie is perfectly unperfect. He was an only dog for three years. Last summer, Louie’s life got turned upside down when Gustafson came into our lives. 

I am at the seasoned age where “bucket list” items need to be addressed and not just on a list that sits in a drawer. I am doing well on the travel, I was a seat filler at the Oscars, I lived on a yacht one summer, and I’ve officiated several weddings. I even lived in South Korea and taught English at a camp one summer. One item that wasn’t crossed off my list was having two dogs. I wanted to share my life with two dogs. My husband was on board. 

Gustafson is our special addition. We’re not sure about his past, the experts guess that he is about three years old. He is blond. He has really cute paws. As I sit and write, he is running around attempting to look out windows in the hope of alerting us of a squirrel that may be running across the lawn. Gus has an interesting, if not complicated, relationship with our cat, Myles. There’s lots of barking. Lots of whining when Myles is around. Gustafson has done his share of scratching window sills, lifting his leg and marking places in our home (another Slice of Life story for different day), and stealing multiple treats and toys from Louie. 

On the flipside, I have yet to meet a sweeter dog than Gus. He snuggles like no other. Never lets you go to the bathroom without his supervision. Gus is happy. He makes us laugh, and he patiently puts up with Louie’s need for being the center of attention. The two have a special bond and you can often find them curled up together in one crate when they’re not running around chasing each other or playing tug.  We’re lucky to have him. We’re lucky to have them both.

My wallet may be a bit lighter, I often have a circus managing two dogs and a cat before leaving for work each morning, and I buy carpet cleaner and lint rollers in bulk at Costco. However, I have crossed an item off my bucket list, and I have inspiration for my first Slice of Life story.

Get two dogs. It will be fun. 

Louie and Gustafson

Gus on alert for passing squirrels.

1 comment:

  1. As someone with two dogs, I understand the chaos! Love the blending of past and present in this post!


Mrs. Meehan- Closing Thoughts

  Hi everyone,  Thank you for writing and reading slices throughout the month, and if you were a commenter, an extra thank you!  I’ve loved ...