Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Mrs. Meehan- Closing Thoughts

 Hi everyone, 

Thank you for writing and reading slices throughout the month, and if you were a commenter, an extra thank you! 

I’ve loved coordinating this effort, even more than I expected to. Yes, there were moments when I wondered if the energy would catch on, and there were moments when I felt like a nag or that people avoided me so I wouldn’t ask them to slice. Please don’t feel that way! Believe me, I understand how hard writing can be! 

That being said, the reflections that have come my way are share-worthy! Here are a few of them!

  • I lived differently because I was trying to figure out what to slice! 

  • I realized that there are slices everywhere if we are looking for them. 

  • I understand and empathize with students more when they say they have nothing to write about. 

  • It’s really hard to put yourself out there for peer review-- but that’s what we ask kids to do every day. 

  • Writing scares me. 

Yes to all of these! Many posts touched me, but these two posts from Tootin’ teachers especially touched these sentiments. Both have given me permission to share them with you. 

  • Silvie Fluckiger’s post where she tried to find the best way to begin her piece

  • Jess Flaherty’s post about finding slices everywhere. This post is on a google doc since it won’t publish until later this week. 

There are a few teachers who have asked about continuing to slice with students. If this is something that interests you, please reach out to me. I’d be happy to connect students across the district and maybe even beyond. 

Thank you again for coming along on this adventure, not matter how you participated!


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Mrs. Meehan- Closing Thoughts

  Hi everyone,  Thank you for writing and reading slices throughout the month, and if you were a commenter, an extra thank you!  I’ve loved ...